As you may know, we recently ran our Design your Ultimate Den Competition – and we’re pleased to announce that we’ve chosen our lucky winner!
Congratulations to Eithne Carson, aged 10, from Ireland who designed an amazing Castle Ultimate Den!
Eithne designed our Castle/Folly Den to include an art studio, a library with comfy chairs to relax in, a pet room for all your fuzzy friends, an indoor swing and a wooden ladder inside! Higher up we have a sweet shelf, and on top of the castle stands an observatory, including a telescope for all you Stargazers out there! Last, but certainly not least - the amazing orange slide which runs from the very top the whole way to the ground floor!

Out of hundreds of entries, sent to us online, through email, and through our in-store competitions - we had a very difficult time choosing our winner!! We were absolutely overwhelmed with the drawing skills, creativity and imagination shown in all the entries, and our entrants covered a huge age and geographical range – so thank you all for participating!
Eithne has won herself a huge Lottie, Finn & Friends prize bundle which is worth over €100! Most excitingly, we will be using Eithne’s design as inspiration to create an Ultimate Den for Lottie, Finn & Friends - and Eithne will be the first person ever to own this!! We hope to make this Den for her before Christmas 2017 😊
Congratulations Eithne!