Take part in our new Global Competition
In partnership with Women’s Engineering Society, we’re excited to announce a worldwide Soapbox Race Car Design Competition!
The winning design will be made into a real toy with the winners credited on the packaging.

ℹ️ A Soap Box Derby race car is a race car that works on gravity alone rolling down a hill. It does not use an engine and relies on gravity and its wheels to bring it down the hill. Good steering and brakes are considered essential!
The marking for the competition will be as follows;
- Original Design 80%
- Working wheels 10%
- Working steering 5%
- Brakes 5% (For the brakes a design concept will be sufficient).
Download the competition form for your age group
Under 6 Years Old
Colouring / Design Competition.
Download, Print Off, Colour in and of course feel free to add your own elements or design to the car!

Create your own Soap Box Derby car using materials you might find around your home. Cardboard makes for a sturdy side wall, big buttons could create the wheels you need!

Step 2:
Get Creative
What will your design look like? A retro racer? A futuristic flyer?

What will you name your design? Triceratops Thunder? Scientific Swift?

ℹ️ Did you know that the colours of light travel at different speeds?
What Colour will your design be? Racing Red? Go-Faster Green!?
Step 3:
Submit Your Entry
The competition closing date is midnight 29th of June 2020. The winning entry will be produced and made into a real accessory for sale on Lottie.com
Share on social!
Post your progress using #LottieSoapBoxRacer on Twitter, Facebook or Instagram so we can share your works in progress with the whole world!
Meet Lottie Super Fan Lily, winner of our 2017 Competition to design a Super Lottie Outfit!
While you're working on your design sign up here or use the form below to join our Super Fans list - for competition updates & lots more!
We are super excited to see all your inventions!

In Partnership with the Women’s Engineering Society

Michael Faraday House, Six Hills Way, Stevenage, Hertfordshire SG1 2AY, UK. Charity number: 1008913