Fossil Hunter Lottie, created in collaboration with Trowelblazers mentioned in this article in the Guardian, to promote Team Trowelblazers fantastic work to encourage diversity in science, and the role models needed to inspire tomorrow's leaders with their latest project; Raising Horizons.
"...With over 100 mini-biographies on our website, plus a collaboration producing theFossil Hunter Lottie doll under our belt, we are ready for a new challenge."
"Indiana Jones, 1930s adventurer, is classic Hollywood... But did you know there were REAL archaeologists digging ancient sites, sleeping in tombs with cobras and doing cutting edge science back then? Oh, and they were women? Whole teams of them? Pop culture says that archaeologists, palaeontologists and geologists –geo-scientists– are, and have always been, mostly men. Raising Horizons is about changing the historical narrative, revealing the hidden history of two centuries of pioneering women."