Brownie Lottie was launched at the Irish Girl Guides' International Camp, IGGNITE 2017, which took place on Friday the 4th of August.

1,800 Girl Guides, coming from 12 different countries, gathered and camped together for the weekend - along with taking part in lots of fun activities! Lottie Dolls MD, Ian Harkin, visited the campsite to launch Brownie Lottie alongside Nicola Grinstead, Chair of WAGGGs, and Helen Concannon, the Irish Girl Guide Chief Commissioner.
Lottie Dolls MD, Ian Harkin, visited the campsite to launch Brownie Lottie alongside Nicola Grinstead, Chair of WAGGGs, and Helen Concannon, the Irish Girl Guide Chief Commissioner.

Nicola Grinstead, who is the Chair of the WAGGGs had this to say about Lottie -
"We love the way Lottie Dolls are age-appropriate and relatable, and they empower children to be themselves, to be imaginative, adventurous and, of course, to have fun. This partnership is a perfect fit for us as WAGGGS's vision is that 'All girls are valued and can take action to change the world'."
Credit: The Evening Echo
Date Published: 9th August 2017

"A newly launched Lottie Doll is set to empower girls to become more adventurous and more confident and to pursue their dreams"

Credit: The Nenagh Guardian
Date Published: 12th August 2017

"Ian Harkin, Managing Director of Arklu, the Donegal-based company that designs Lottie Dolls described the new doll as 'a must-have plaything for every young Brownie, who'll be able to bring Brownie activities to life with Lottie in their very own home. She'll appeal to other adventurous-minded children too'."
Credit: The Letterkenny Post
Date Published: 10th August 2017